Risk Management

The proposed risk management process is based on a prospective risk mapping methodology that includes geopolitical scenarios.

The analysis of risks and strategic issues covers a wide range of subjects that are interrelated, such as challenges related to sustainable development, security risks, political and geopolitical risks, regulatory risks, social developments, and more.

The methodology developed by INITIATIK is based on materiality analysis and has the particularity of including a prospective analysis based on weak signals in terms of risks. Risk mapping is the starting point for a strategy on the company’s future role and responsibilities in light of its key challenges.

Its objective is to enable the companyto better define the actions to be deployed and the governance to be structured to meet its challenges.

This process covers a wide range of risks:

  • Geopolitical risks
  • Environmental risks
  • Industrial risks
  • Social risks
  • Safety risks
  • Security risks
  • Financial risks
  • Regulatory risks

Based on this risk mapping, INITIATIK helps companies to developed a structured Issue Management process (risk monitoring and actions to be deployed) and to engage in stakeholders dialogues, and provides support in crisis management when needed.